Monday, June 20, 2011

Ice-T, 52, and wife Nicole

We should never be shocked by Coco. We know that. We repeat it constantly. Yet, we’re human, so here we are with our mouths hanging open. Which is better than your butt crack hanging out. Ice-T, 52, and wife Nicole “Coco” Austin, 31, hit the beach in Miami yesterday to scandalize us all with their flesh. And to snorkel. We’ll admit we have a fondness for anyone who’s willing to put it out there so brazenly, without the slightest hint of self-consciousness. While most women would be hitting the gym if they had an ass that looked like two globes hugging, Coco embraces her form. Exploits her form. Some might say embarrasses her form. Whatever your opinion, we can’t look away.

For the sake of gender fairness, we should point out that Ice-T’s man boobs are rivaling Coco’s. Something to consider when mulling over that joint gym membership. Keep in mind, some of the pictures are obviously a little nsfw.

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hollywood star showbiz-Nicole

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hollywood star showbiz-Nicole

hollywood star showbiz-Nicole

hollywood star showbiz-Nicole

hollywood star showbiz-Nicole

hollywood star showbiz-Nicole

hollywood star showbiz-Nicole

hollywood star showbiz-Nicole

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